Brewing Calculators

Our brewing calculators will help you get the most out of your yeast!

Pitch Rate Calculator

Use our Pitch Rate Calculator to dial in custom quantities of yeast based on gravity, batch size and desired pitch rate and take control of your fermentation.

Standard Gravity Ale0.75 million cells/mL/P

Standard Gravity Lager1.00 million cells/mL/P

*Please contact our Customer Service team for individual recommendations on High Gravity and Very High Gravity Fermentations

Home Brew
Batch Sizegallons
Specific GravitySG
Pitch Ratemillion cells per mL/P
Pitch Sizepitch right pouches

Plato & Specific Gravity Conversion Calculator

Unsure of swapping back and forth between specific gravity and degrees plato? We're here to make things easy for you, punch in your numbers below and get instant results.

Plato° P
Specific GravitySG

Repitching Calculator

Our harvest & repitching calculator is designed for brewers who want to save money, maintain a consistent brewing schedule and improve the final outcome of their beer.

Learn how to harvest and repitch yeast here.

Being able to calculate yeast cell viability is an important part of that process, which you can learn about here.

Step 1: Dilutions & cell counting

Dilutions & Cell Counting

DILUTIONS: If not using any of the dilution steps, enter "1" into left box and "0" into right box

Dilution 1

Yeast (G)
Dilution water (G)

Dilution 1

+ Add another dilution

Dilution 2Methylene
Blue (0.01%)

Final Yeast
/Water Mix (g)
0.01% Methylene
Blue (g)



Dilution Factor


Step 2: Hemocytometer Cell Count

Hemocytometer Cell Count

Total Counted
Cell Count 1
+ Add another cell count
Grid Squares Counted

Total Cell Concentration


Viable Cell Concentration


Step 3: Pitch Size Calculator

Pitch Size Calculator

Standard Gravity Ale750,000

Standard Gravity Lager1,000,000

Batch SizeBBL
Plato° P

Total Cells Required for Pitch


Step 4: Results


Total Cells Required for Pitch

Step 3 Incomplete

Total Cell Concentration

Step 2 Incomplete

Average Viability

Step 2 Incomplete

Steps 1-3 Required for Slurry Mass

Dissolved Oxygen Calculator

Yeast cells need oxygen in the early stages of fermentation to produce sterols and unsaturated fatty acids for their membrane. Use this calculator to help determine the proper amount of O2 to give your yeast the boost it needs.


  • Oxygen supply is bottled pure oxygen, not compressed air.
  • Delivery mechanism is a aeration/carb stone, not a venturi device or jet.
  • Flow rate can be measured in liters per minute (LPM), delivered at 30psig or greater.

Need a DO Meter? Try this one.

Total Knockout VolumeBBLS
Wort gravity° P
Total knockout timeMinutes
Wort temperature° F
Target DO levelPPM
Brewery ElevationFoot Above Sea Level*
*Round to Nearest 1,000
Target O2 Flow Rate Range0 to 0 LPM
To estimate DO for a given flow rate, enter the values above and add:
Oxygen Flow RateLPM
Estimated DO Range0 to 0 ppm O2
*Information adapted from the MBAA Practical Handbook for the Specialty Brewer, Vol. 2, pp. 13 - 22.
** This calculator is designed to provide an estimate of wort dissolved oxygen based on common measurable variables within the brewery. Wort DO is most accurately quantified with the use of a DO meter.


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